Whether you like it or not, your skin makes a statement and hints at where you're at along the journey of life.
Got wrinkles? You're advancing in years.
Age spots? You've spent time in the sun.
The most obvious, of course, is from pregnancy.
But stretch marks can also occur from adolescence, weight gain, and some medical conditions. Even weight-lifting.
Did you get that, guys?
Of course, it doesn't help that stretch marks occur in sexy places. Ok, the upper arms might not be the hottest thing since sliced bread, but stretch marks, or striae as they're known, frequently form on the thighs, hips, breasts and buttocks. And in the summertime, when the clothes come off, that sucks.
The loss of these supportive proteins is detrimental to your skin, causing it to separate in the deeper layers. This results in the angry red striations that eventually give way to, you guessed it, red stretch marks.
You can also eat right, with a skin-friendly diet. Skin likes foods that are high in vitamins A and C, zinc and protein. Consider salmon and oily fish, nuts, carrots, milk and eggs. Your skin loves these foods, and you'd do well to make them a regular part of your diet, for healthy skin and a great complexion. If any foods will reduce the formation of stretch marks, it's these.
And there's more good news for people with stretch marks. Another active ingredient in Stretch Mark Therapy, Pro-Coll-One+, stimulated collagen production by as much as 1190% when applied in a 2% concentration in a 56-day separate study. Seventy-eight per cent of study participants saw a noticeable improvement in skin smoothness, which improved by up to ten per cent.
Got wrinkles? You're advancing in years.
Age spots? You've spent time in the sun.
Stretch marks?
Stretch marks occur for a variety of reasons.The most obvious, of course, is from pregnancy.
But stretch marks can also occur from adolescence, weight gain, and some medical conditions. Even weight-lifting.
Did you get that, guys?
Of course, it doesn't help that stretch marks occur in sexy places. Ok, the upper arms might not be the hottest thing since sliced bread, but stretch marks, or striae as they're known, frequently form on the thighs, hips, breasts and buttocks. And in the summertime, when the clothes come off, that sucks.

What Causes Stretch Marks
Contrary to popular belief, stretch marks are more than skin that's simply been stretched too much. Stretch marks occur when the body secretes the glucocorticoid hormone during some life events (that's you, pregnancy). And this hormone prevents the necessary collagen and elastin fibroblasts required for tight, healthy skin.The loss of these supportive proteins is detrimental to your skin, causing it to separate in the deeper layers. This results in the angry red striations that eventually give way to, you guessed it, red stretch marks.

About Stretch Mark Treatment
There are surgical treatments for stretch marks, including dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser surgery. Results for surgical treatments are variable and depend largely on age and skin condition. Such treatments show moderate success, though they're rarely covered by insurance plans.You can also eat right, with a skin-friendly diet. Skin likes foods that are high in vitamins A and C, zinc and protein. Consider salmon and oily fish, nuts, carrots, milk and eggs. Your skin loves these foods, and you'd do well to make them a regular part of your diet, for healthy skin and a great complexion. If any foods will reduce the formation of stretch marks, it's these.
Therapy Reduces Stretch Marks
In a recent clinical study, of 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, participants applied a 2 per cent concentration of Regestril on the affected areas for two months. At the end of the study, even the researchers were astounded by the results: a 72.5% reduction in the depth of stretch marks. And a 52% reduction in length.And there's more good news for people with stretch marks. Another active ingredient in Stretch Mark Therapy, Pro-Coll-One+, stimulated collagen production by as much as 1190% when applied in a 2% concentration in a 56-day separate study. Seventy-eight per cent of study participants saw a noticeable improvement in skin smoothness, which improved by up to ten per cent.
Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy
Fades stretch marks. Scientifically formulated with the latest in skincare technology, it's a safe and effective way to erase those tell-tale markers on your body, or where it's been and what it's done.
And in the clothing-optional season, that's a good thing to have!